Vision, Mission & Policies


Inspiring everyone to experience the joy of skating

Mission Statement

Calalta is recognized as a leader in building champions and delivering quality programs to drive personal excellence



    • Cultivating a safe, welcoming, inclusive and respectful environment to ensure equity and encourage diversity

Life skills

    • Goal setting, adaptability, resilience, collaborative, discipline, perseverance, and lessons about competing with integrity, winning fairly, and losing gracefully are skill that are valuable in all aspects of life


    • Striving for excellence in everything we do from a personal or club perspective, demonstrating development in the pursuit and achievement of goals with a focus on fun


    • Looking for and embracing new and better ways in how we perform as a skater, a coach, a volunteer and as a club

Strategic Pillars

These 4 pillars keep us focused and on task.

Building Champions

Personal Excellence

Coaching Excellence

Building Community

Important links:

Skate Canada launches enhanced National Safe Sport Program

Calalta 2024-2025 Policies for Uplifter Final

Calalta Registration Policy_final

Calalta skater etiquette_Final

Calalta 2024-2025 Policies for Uplifter Final

Calalta Volunteer Policy_Final

Skate Canada code of Ethics

Club Dispute Resolution Policy

Skate Canada Incident Report Form

Abuse-Free Sport Helpline

Skate Canada Concussion Policy (June 25 2024)

Safe Sport Handbook

Skate Canada would like to share our new Safe Sport Handbook, an interactive resource guide to communicate key principles of our National Safe Sport Program and commitment to everyone’s safety. The safe sport rules, policies, procedures, and guidelines set forth in this handbook, apply to all Skate Canada sections, clubs, schools, coaches, members and registrants.


Your privacy and the protection of your personal information is important to us. Your personal information is required to register you with Skate Canada in any capacity, including, without limitation, as a Skate Canada registrant, coach or in connection with your affiliation with a skating club or skating school and to administer various services, such as Skate Canada events. Your personal information may also be exchanged with Skate Canada affiliates which includes your local skating club or skating school or provincial association or section. By submitting this form, you expressly provide your consent to the sharing of your personal information with Skate Canada and as described herein for purposes of registration and receipt of national services delivered by Skate Canada. We adopt the 10 Fair Information Principles into our privacy program, and employ reasonable measures to protect against unauthorized access, processing, disclosure, alteration, destruction or loss of your personal information. See Skate Canada’s Privacy Policy for more details.

For further information or comments regarding our protection of your privacy, please contact Skate Canada at [email protected].