Given the overwhelming popularity of Christmas ice, we were able to book a few more hours of ice at Jimmie Condon and add in the Wednesday as well. We would have liked to book more, but it’s full!!
Given these changes, Scott and Diana have had to review each of the sessions to ensure skaters have adequate skill level and we can maintain a safe ice surface.
The sessions have now been renamed to ‘Sectional Skaters’ and ‘Junior to Intermediate’ which will be less confusing for all.
Please review the Christmas ice 2015 Schedule – note the time changes as well as the dates. We did our best to ensure a level of fairness to everyone. As you can see some sessions are not full – this does not mean that a junior skater can pick up on a “Sectional Skater’ session nor can a Sectional Skater pick up on a ‘Junior to Intermediate’ session. This means that other skaters that have not had the chance to reserve ice yet, have the opportunity to do so now.
If by chance you are at the rink on your session and the next session is not full, there may be an opportunity to pick up that session. That would be at the discretion of Scott and the skater would be asked to skate appropriately for the level – in other words if we have 16 skaters on a Jr/Int session and a Novice skater wants to pick up, they would be asked to not do their jumps nor skate aggressively but they could practice their step sequence. It is important we keep all of our skaters safe especially the little ones who have not developed the maturity or awareness to stay out of the way yet.
If your session no longer works for you, please advise Natalie by email. She will keep the sheets at Jimmie Condon updated. If you want to skate on the Wednesday or one of the new sessions and there is room for your skater on the right session, please email Natalie.
Diana and Scott